901 Leighton Ave STE 102, Anniston, AL 36207, United States


Special Care for Women Frequently Asked Questions

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Here Are Some of Our Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks for checking our website! Here are some answers to our most common Frequently Asked Questions. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!

Insurance & Billing

  • When can I pre-register for delivering my baby?

    Please go to the Pre-admission testing offices on the 3rd floor of the main RMC hospital (the main floor), and ask to pre-register for maternity, and they will collect your information.

  • What hospitals do you use for surgery?

    RMC Anniston, Stringfellow, Oxford Surgery Center, Riverview in Gadsden.

  • Is the 3D/4D ultrasound option covered by my insurance?

    Sorry, this is an elective option and is not covered by insurance. Our out-of-pocket charge for this special ultrasound is very competitive, at $119.00. This includes a DVD+RW to record the 20-minute ultrasound, a CD-ROM to store pictures that can later be uploaded to a computer or taken to a photo center to print out, and many ‘hard copy’ pictures printed for you immediately! Please make sure you discuss this with Dr. Richmond if you know that you would like it performed. This ultrasound can only be done between the fetal gestation of 28-32 weeks. Further, then 32 weeks, we cannot guarantee good images of your baby.

  • Will my insurance cover my surgery?

    Before calling to schedule your surgery, our surgery schedulers will verify your insurance coverage so that they can give you that information when they call you.
    It is recommended that you confirm the information we provide you with your provider, to make sure there are no errors.

  • Do you accept my insurance?

    We accept all major private insurances, such as Blue Cross, United Health Care, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, and others, and government insurances such as Medicare, Medicaid, AllKids, Humana, and Tricare. If by some rare chance, we do not accept your insurance, and you would like to see Dr. Richmond, please contact us so that we can apply to be on your plan!

  • Do you accept Medicaid?

    Yes. We accept ‘Pregnancy Medicaid.’ Even if you have full Medicaid, you must apply for Pregnancy Medicaid. Pregnant Medicaid patients will need to call (855)288-8364 for the next steps in accessing your maternity care with us.

    We accept ‘Full Medicaid.’ If you have Medicaid and are NOT pregnant, you must know if you have Medicaid Plan First or FULL Medicaid. Medicaid Plan First only covers FOUR visits per year, including a yearly exam with pap smear, or birth control problems. We DO accept Plan First as well, but only for those indicated reasons.

  • Why did I get a bill the first month, but not the next month?

    We send out bills every other month. Bills are turned over to collections after 6 months, which would be 3 statements.

  • Why did I receive a call about my bill, but I never received a statement?

    Please contact our office. Perhaps we don’t have your correct billing address.

  • Why did I receive a bill for services I thought my insurance would cover?

    Please remember that, despite having one or more health insurance policies, we are governed by the policies. Sometimes co-pays must be paid, and/or deductibles met. We try to identify these at the time of service, but that is not always possible. Please contact our office if you feel any bill is in error!

Making An Appointment

  • What do I do if I have a problem after business hours?

    If you have a problem that is not emergent, that can wait until the following day, please call and leave us a message, using the automated system. Messages are checked when we open the following business day.
    After we close the office each day, or on the weekends, if you have a problem that cannot wait until the next business day, please do the following:

    Call our main office number at
    (256) 435-2229 – it will give you the number to our after-hours answering service.

    Please explain your problem, symptoms, or issues to the operator. They will contact the physician on call and he will return your call and instruct you further.
    If you think you are in labor after hours, please proceed to the hospital.

  • Can I have a walk-in appointment?

    While we WILL see walk-in patients, they must wait for an opening or be seen at the end of a work session.

    Please call ahead if you have an emergency to speak with a nurse. In urgent situations, possible labor, or other emergencies, our nurses may work you in with the doctor on call or advise you on what to do for your individual situation.

  • Will I get a reminder call for my appointment?

    Yes! So please make sure your contact information is correct! For GYN appointments, an automated system will call 1-2 days in advance to confirm.

  • Do you charge a fee for canceling an appointment the same day or no-showing an appointment?

    Yes. We do charge you a cancellation fee or no-show fee without 24-hour notice.
    So, out of consideration to our other patients and our physician, please give us 24-hour notice if you need to cancel.

  • Do I have to wait a full year between pap smear and mammogram appointments?

    Our billing department recommends that you wait a full 365 days between your yearly pap smear and/or mammogram appointments, then we are certain your insurance will cover your visits.

    However, individual insurance policies do vary, so if you would like to check with your policy, call your plan administrator or the 800 number on your card. Ask if you have a policy that will cover your pap and/or mammogram “once per calendar year”. If that is the case, you may make an appointment before you have reached the 365-day mark.

  • When am I due for my yearly?

    We send out a Friendly Reminder postcard each year, to remind you to call and make your appointment! You may wait for that postcard, or call us anytime and we will look up your last appointment date.

  • I am on my menstrual cycle - can I still see the doctor for my yearly?

    Yes, if your flow is light, Dr. Richmond can still perform an exam and PAP smear.
    If you are bleeding heavily, please reschedule.

Medical Questions

  • How do I take my medications that have been prescribed?

    Please make sure that while in your doctor’s presence, you ask questions if you are unsure about how to take your medicine. One of our nursing staff members would also be able to help answer your questions about medications.Our staff members in the Front Office area are not licensed medical professionals, and cannot advise on medical questions.If you leave your appointment and still have additional questions regarding your prescriptions, please call during office hours and ask to speak with a nurse.Additionally, your pharmacist may be able to tell you this information and answer questions or concerns about your medications.

  • What can I do for swelling in my feet?

    Elevate your feet and decrease salt intake.

  • When will I feel the baby move?

    Usually, you will feel fetal movement at or around 18 weeks gestation.

  • How do I treat vaginal odor?

    Call and make a Gyn Problem type of appointment with Dr. Richmond to have a vaginal culture taken.

  • What do I do if I have frequency and burning with urination?

    Please make an appointment to leave a urine specimen with us. This will not take long. We want to evaluate you as early as possible to give you the correct treatment.
    Call and ask to speak with a nurse to have a same-day Lab appointment.
    The Appointment Desk may help you with an appointment for another day.

  • What if I think I have a yeast infection?

    Call us so we can work you in for an evaluation! At least 60% of all patients that THINK they have a yeast infection often have a different problem. The best way to treat this correctly is to evaluate you.

Medical Records

  • Do you charge for medical records?

    We do not charge patients for specific records!
    However, if a signed release comes from an insurance company, a lawyer, or the disability office, we do charge those entities for your records. That charge is billed directly to the respective company, so that there is no expense to our patients.IF someone wanted their entire record, the charge would be $5.00, plus $1.00 per page for the first 25 pages, then $0.50 for each page thereafter.

  • How long does it take for my records request to be processed?

    Legally, we have 30 days to process our medical records requests; however, it usually only takes our office staff 10 days or less. Please call and ask to speak with our medical records staff person if you need something arranged for a rush request and we are happy to accommodate.

  • How do I get my medical records?

    Please call our office to have a records release form sent or faxed to you.
    Once you sign that form, we will fax or mail your medical records to the address indicated.

Obstetrical Care

  • When can I pre-register for delivering my baby?

    Pre-registration may be done beginning at 36 weeks.

    Please go to the Pre-admission testing offices on the 3rd floor of the main RMC hospital (the main floor), and ask to pre-register for maternity, and they will collect your information.

  • Can I record my ultrasound?

    You can purchase a DVD for $5.00 when you come for your ultrasound appointment and we will record on this DVD.
    If you would like to provide your own DVD, it must be +RW type of disk.

  • I thought that my big ultrasound is to just find out the sex of my baby. What else do you look for?

    Your “big” ultrasound is a ‘Level 2’ ultrasound, performed at 18-22 weeks gestation, and is called a “complete” ultrasound because we evaluate the growth of your baby and survey all of the fetal anatomy to rule out any abnormalities.

  • Can I have an ultrasound early to find out the sex of the baby?

    Yes, but this is usually a ‘courtesy’ ultrasound, which is elective. While the Level 2 ultrasound is covered by insurance, the cost of this ultrasound is $60.00. A DVD is provided, and can be used again at your Level 2 ultrasound.

  • How many sonograms do I get to have with my pregnancy?

    We do a minimum of two sonograms.

    Your first one will be at your initial obstetric appointment, and it will usually be a Transvaginal (TVS) sonogram. This helps us determine your dates of gestation.

    The second will be at 18-22 weeks and is called the Level 2 sonogram. This is when you will find out the sex of your baby and we ensure your baby’s growth and development is on track.

    Additional sonograms may be necessary, as determined by Dr. Richmond. Please inquire with our billing department if you have questions about insurance coverage for additional sonograms.

  • Can I take over-the-counter prenatal vitamins?

    Yes, but they are NOT as good as prescription vitamins, due to the higher iron content, which is needed to prevent anemia.

  • How often will I have appointments when I am pregnant?

    We see you once every 4 weeks until week 20 of your pregnancy, then every 3 weeks until week 30.
    We will see you every 2 weeks until week 35, and then we will see you weekly until delivery.

  • I am experiencing cramping and/or bleeding and I am in my first trimester of pregnancy. What do I do?

    While some of this may be a part of your normal pregnancy experience, please call and ask to speak with one of our nurses. They will help you determine if you need an appointment with Dr. Richmond or not.

  • How quickly can I be seen for a new pregnancy?

    In most cases, Dr. Richmond will see you between 6 and 8 weeks, based on your last cycle.
    Please be prepared with your correct cycle dates when you call. Earlier than 6 weeks, we can run an HCG lab work panel, to ensure your hormone levels are correct. If you come in to see the doctor before you are greater than 6 weeks, we will not be able to tell much on your first sonogram.

  • I just took a positive home pregnancy test. What do I need to do now?

    Congrats! Please call our office, and we will set you up an initial pregnancy visit, called a New OB appointment, with Dr. Richmond.
    Make sure that you are prepared to give us the first day of your last cycle, so that we can best determine when to make this appointment.

Yearly Appointments & GYN Care

  • Do I need my medical records from a different doctor?

    If you are coming to see Dr. Richmond for a specific issue, and you have seen other doctors for that same issue, then yes, please make sure your records are sent to us or bring them in with you when you come.

  • At what age do you begin having a PAP smear?

    The usual recommendation to begin PAP smears is at age 21; however, this may be individually determined by Dr. Richmond.

  • How old do I have to be to have a mammogram?

    Dr. Richmond recommends a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40, then a mammogram each year after age 40.

  • As a GYN patient, how often should I see my doctor?

    You should be evaluated at least annually by Dr. Richmond. Also, for health issues needing intermittent therapy, please keep your scheduled appointments! Although a PAP smear test may not be done every year, either due to age considerations or because of hysterectomy, you still need to schedule to see Dr. Richmond annually to assess female issues and for annual exam.

  • What is included in my yearly appointment?

    Typically, we do a pelvic exam, PAP smear and breast exam for your yearly GYN appointment. If you have additional health concerns, please make sure your nurse knows your questions or concerns before seeing your doctor so that she can make him aware.

    At age 40, we will schedule a mammogram for each yearly visit- that cannot be accomplished on the same day unless we are able to plan ahead.

    Around the age of 60, Dr. Richmond will request that we add a bone density scan to your yearly visit, doing those scans every other year in frequency.

    The frequency of all exams and diagnostics may be adjusted to your individual health history and needs, as directed by your physician.

Pregnancy Journey

Pregnancy is a transformative and miraculous journey that encompasses the growth and development of a new life within a woman's body.

Throughout pregnancy, expectant mothers require attentive prenatal care, including regular check-ups, screenings, and guidance to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby, as they eagerly await the arrival of their little one.