901 Leighton Ave STE 102, Anniston, AL 36207, United States


Robotic Surgery

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Robotic Surgery

If you need a gynecological operation, you might be eligible for robotic surgery. Braden Richmond, MD, a board-certified OB/GYN, practicing at Special Care for Women in Anniston, Alabama, is experienced in using the innovative da Vinci® robotic surgery equipment to perform a variety of gynecological procedures ranging from fibroid removal to hysterectomy. If you’re looking for an expert gynecological surgeon, call Special Care for Women, or make an appointment online to talk to Dr. Richmond about your robotic surgery options.

Robotic Surgery Q & A

  • What is robotic surgery?

    Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique. Dr. Richmond uses the da Vinci robotic arm to perform a wide range of gynecological surgeries.

    The robotic arm allows Dr. Richmond to perform complex pelvic surgery with extreme precision. The arm has 360° rotation as well as a camera that provides a magnified, high-definition view of your internal organs.

  • What procedures are available with robotic surgery?

    While surgery is never a first-line approach at Special Care for Women to treat women’s health issues, Dr. Richmond offers robotic surgery whenever it’s appropriate to address your needs, even when you require complicated pelvic surgery. Some of the most common procedures include:

    Fibroid removal
    If you have large uterine fibroids that are interfering with your overall health and fertility, Dr. Richmond can use robotic surgery to remove your fibroids via myomectomy. He can use the robotic arm to carefully remove the abnormal growths while leaving your uterus intact and not reducing your fertility.

    Endometriosis scar tissue removal
    Dr. Richmond also uses robotic surgery techniques to treat severe endometriosis. He uses the robotic arm to carefully remove endometrial tissue and scarring from your pelvic organs, including your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. This minimally invasive procedure can relieve your symptoms while preserving your fertility.

    If you need a hysterectomy, Dr. Richmond can use robotic surgery to remove your uterus and other reproductive organs with minimal disruption to your life. Robotic surgery allows him to complete the procedure with minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues so you can get back to your regular activities quickly and safely.

  • What are the benefits of robotic surgery?

    Robotic surgery provides Dr. Richmond with enhanced control, flexibility, and precision compared to traditional surgical techniques. Additionally, there are many patient benefits to opting for robotic surgery, including:
    ● Reduced risk of complications like infection.● Less blood loss and pain.● More rapid recovery.● Reduced risk of scarring.
    Dr. Richmond provides thorough pre-surgical consultations to identify the best treatments to resolve your condition. If he thinks that robotic surgery is right for you, he explains the procedure and answers your questions.

Call Special Care for Women, or schedule a consultation online today if you’re looking for an OB/GYN who can provide state-of-the-art robotic surgery.